FREE LIVE Teleclass! ~~ “Confident in Love” ~~
How to Release Doubt and Attract Love

Do you know how to attract the right man?

In this insightful FREE teleclass Mat Boggs will interview Energetic Matchmaker Liesel Rigsby.  Liesel will share tools that will empower you to attract the right man in this complimentary teleclass called Confident in Love: How to Release Doubt and Attract the Right Man.  You don't want to miss this call!

On This Call You Will Learn:

  •  How your doubt is literally keeping love away from you
  • The biggest mistake women make when using the Law of Attraction to find love
  • The MOST important factor in attracting the right man
  • A powerful energetic tool to clear those limiting beliefs that are holding you back

Here are the teleclass details:
When: Wednesday, November 30th, 6:00pm - 7:15pm (Pacific)
Where: Simply enter your info below and we will email you the private call-in number and passcode.
Cost: FREE